Thursday, June 9, 2011

Waiting Patiently

June 9

Yah... It's time for some champagne!  It's officially over... the HEAT CYCLE!  We got home from our adventure to California to meet Lyric's arranged marriage partner Ali.  Ali was a gentleman at best and we hope for some little ones in August!  We made it home and I picked up Quiver on Sunday.  At second thought after we returned I think Quiver should have stayed there as he was beside himself in love and practically trying to impregnate her through the walls. I had to do some arranging and rearranging of dogs to make sure no mishaps happened. As of last night, I wished I had a video camera (my phone was dead), as I watched the two switch rolls and Lyric was humping Quiver. It was hilarious as Quiver lost his interest yesterday but Lyric had not apparently. This went on for an hour or so. No camera, no photos... sorry. Now, it's time to hope and wait to see what comes of our trip!

Welcome to Fanfare's Blog

May 31 – June 6

Welcome to the first blog for Fanfare Tervuren! The main reason I am starting this blog is to inform those interested in the upcoming litter co-bred with Sprite Tervuren. This litter will be Sprite's 'L' litter. The previous 'K' litter was the first Sprite/Fanfare litter and is also featured here on the blog for the time being while we are waiting for hopeful good news that Lyric and Ali have some babies on the way.

On May 31 Lyric and I took a trip to California to meet the handsome and talented Sprite's Incredible Ali! Through several attempts at breeding Lyric and Ali they were bred by Artificial Insemination and Natural. Lyric is home now and we will be watching for signs of pregnancy in the next month.