Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Day 47 - Post Breeding

Well, there isn't a great deal to report besides Lyric is doing well.  She's hungry often, but can't eat a big meal or she often regurgitates it.  I can say with certainty that I can feel the puppies but at this point it is difficult and you have to be quite patient to feel a slight movement, however each day you can feel a little more.  Her whelping room is being prepared and we should be moving in to it next week sometime.  I am looking forward to the puppies arriving and I hope we develop some nice weather because we certainly have not seen much summer at this point.  Well everyone, keep your fingers and paws crossed that the next couple weeks go well for Lyric!

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Lyric Update! Day 34 since breeding

I'm happy to report that there has been a noticeable increase in Lyric's circumference in the past two days.  She has slowly shown some thickening the past couple of weeks however this difference is noticeable.  In general, she hasn't felt her normal self the past couple of weeks but has been seeming to feel better this week.  Her appetite is good as usual but she isn't appearing overly hungry yet.  Although, there was a theft of a nice grilled Chicken Quarter from the fire pit last night but Quiver was the one smacking his lips and Lyric had been by my side so I can't claim she stole it.  So far so good,  I still believe she carrying the future stars of the Tervuren world :)